Backing Up Your Data

Details of how we back up your data

Production Data

Your data is in two categories:

Platform Data: The information you enter into the platform, such as any text, form selections etc.
Media Data: This information is the documents or other media you upload to the platform
Our backups are a point-in-time snapshot. We keep our snapshots for 12 months. This means whatever information is stored in on the operational database at the time the backup is taken is kept for 12 months. 

N.B. Data retention on the platform is configured to meet your policies. Data will be retained for your policy length plus 12 months. 

We store multiple copies of your data in geo-redundant locations and use a range of approaches appropriate to the type of data being backed up.

There are regular backups taken, the table below shows when the backups covers.


Every Second

Every 6 hours Daily Weekly Monthly

for 7 days

for 1 day for 7 days for 4 weeks for 12 months

UAT Data

We do not take any backups of UAT data.