Expansive FM Updates & Maintenance

This article explains how we update Expansive FM and when we do it on our production instances

Release Cycle

Major Updates

Expansive FM receives about 10 major updates every year. 

These are scheduled to be monthly with a gap over December and the summer (typically July).

Exact dates for releases are only known as the internal quality control checks take place. Look out for Product updates for more details.

Major releases will be deployed either:

  • During the standing weekly maintenance window
  • A pre-agreed (in writing) time with a client. Pre agreed times must be out-of-hours and agreed at least 10 working days ahead of the release


In between major releases, in line with our SLA, we will patch Expansive FM as necessary to address:

  • Critical or impactful high-priority vulnerabilities
  • Fix functional or performance issues that are stopping the platform being effective
  • Minor tweaks or enhancements to the platform

Non-critical, low-impact high, medium and low-priority vulnerability updates will be deployed during the standing weekly maintenance window.

Critical and high-impact high-priority vulnerabilities and bugs will be released in line with the emergency updates detailed below.

Weekly Updates

Expansive keep a standing maintenance window every Tuesday between 8pm and 10pm UK time.

During this time, our uptime SLA does not stand though every effort is made to ensure that the updates are with zero-downtime. 

In the event an update cannot be made with zero-downtime then it will be communicated in the release notes.

Emergency Updates

In the event that an emergency deployment is needed then we will:

  • Aim to keep any deployments to outside of UK office hours (8am-6pm)
  • Aim to keep deployments zero-downtime
  • Aim to provide as much notice as possible about the emergency update to be applied

Please note this is balanced with our DR process and SLA where we aim:

  • To reduce any impact of an incident as quickly as possible
  • Patch applicable critical vulnerabilities within 24 hours
  • Ensure we maintain effective information security processes during an incident
  • Fix critical issues within 4 hours

We do not require or seek written permission for emergency updates

Keeping Current

The majority of patches and minor fixes are swept up in the major releases. We only maintain the latest major release of the platform with security updates, feature updates and bug fixes. 

This means it is important to balance your change management processes with our rapid update processes. 

To support this, we are committed to, where reasonably possible, to ensure new features are switched "off" by default and deploying a major version does not mean having to use the new functionality.

To allow us to protect all Expansive FM clients, we do not allow clients to fall more than 1 major version behind "latest". For example, if you are on version 3.50 while version 3.51 is the latest you will be updated to 3.51 when 3.52 is made generally available.