How can I manage the hazards associated with a work order?

Add, amend or remove hazards to a work order.

Managing Hazard Types In The System 

- Head to the Settings area and select Hazard Types

- From here, you will see a list of common work hazards

- You can add a new Hazard Type using the button in the top right

- You can disable a hazard type by selecting its name and unchecking the Enabled box


Adding & Removing Hazards On A Work Order 

- There are multiple ways hazards can become associated to a work order, the first being via RAMS documents, which once linked to the work order will autopopulate the associated hazards

It's worth noting, the only way to remove RAMS associated hazards is by changing the associated RAMS 

- You can also add hazards within the Health & Safety tab using the relevant button within this section 

- Lastly, hazards can be added during completion of a Start Work Check by the engineer assigned to the work order

- You can remove any hazards that don't have RAMS associated to them, using the cross icon by the hazard name under the Health & Safety tab  

