How do I add recommended asset changes to a work order?

Suggest changes to various asset characteristics when servicing an asset.

Follow these steps to add service details to an asset:

1. Access the Assets Tab

  • Navigate to the Assets tab.
  • You will see a list of linked assets.

2. Find and Select the Relevant Asset

  • Locate the asset you need to update.
  • Click Add Service Details.

3. Enter Service Information

  • Indicate whether you serviced the asset during your visit.
  • Add any relevant comments about the service.

4. Review and Suggest Field Changes

  • In the side pane, you will see various fields with their current values.
  • If you recommend a change, enter the suggested value and submit the form.

5. Submit and Review Your Changes

  • After submitting, a Serviced badge will appear next to the asset.
  • If needed, click Edit to amend any of your answers.
  • Once satisfied, submit your recommendations for review.

