How to create budget types and set up budgets.
Please ensure you have set up the relevant financial years before setting up budgets.
Setup Budget Types
- Before you set up your budgets, you need to create the relevant budget types. To do this, head to the Settings area from the left-hand menu and select Budget Types
- Here, you can create a new budget type by selecting the blue button in the top right, or you can amend an existing type by clicking on the relevant name and amending the fields
- Once you have the budget types set up, you can create your budgets, by heading to the Budgets area in Settings
Adding Budgets
- From here, add a new budget by selecting the button in the top right-hand corner. A form will then appear where you can complete details of the budget including its description and any area or cost code restrictions
Adding Budget Cycles
- Once you have set up your budgets, and financial periods, you can set up your budget cycles by heading to the budget cycle tab within the budget area of settings
- A budget cycle belongs to a particular budget and runs over the course of the selected financial period
- When adding a new cycle, users can choose to provide a single total, or choose to split the total by financial period divisions
- If choosing the latter, users can hit the edit icon to add the relevant totals for each division
- Here, for efficiency, users can enter a value in one division and choose the 'apply to all' option to copy this across the remaining divisions
Budget Display Screen
- To view the details of a budget, users can select the relevant budget row from the index in settings
- Here, users will see the budget settings screen where they can amend overall budget details on the left and view budget related tabs on the right
- Users are also able to clone budgets and all of their associated details from this page under the actions wheel
Recurrence Rules
In order for recurrence rules to run, users must have future financial periods set up in the system, or the automation will fail.
- From the budget view screen, users can select the Recurrence tab to set up rules for their cycles
- Here, users can select whether they want cycles to be automatically created for future financial periods with the same totals, and if so, how far in advance
- Users can also choose whether they want to be notified of the cycle creation for better oversight
Only users with the relevant budget manage permission will receive budget cycle alert notifications.
Import & Export
- Should users wish to add or update their budgets or cycles in bulk, they can use our import template in order to do so
- To find this, head to the Budgets index and select Import from the actions wheel and follow the instructions
- Users can also use the export option under the actions wheel should they wish to download their budget and cycle details