How do I manage budgets?

How to create budget types and set up budgets.

- Before you set up your budgets, you need to create the relevant budget types. To do this, head to the Settings area from the left-hand menu and select Budget Types

- Here, you can create a new budget type by selecting the blue button in the top right, or you can amend an existing type by clicking on the relevant name and amending the fields

- Once you have the budget types set up, you can create your budgets, by heading to the Budgets section in the settings menu 

- From here, add a new budget by selecting the button in the top right-hand corner. A form will then appear where you can complete details of the budget including whether you would like to make it site-specific and the currency you'd like to apply 

- Further down the form, you will have the option to choose to split your budget by financial period and also choose whether you'd like to allow for overspend, or whether you'd prefer for budgets to be hidden once they are spent

- Once budgets are created, they will be visible when approving costs to help keep you up to date with your spend against them

