How do I manage Custom Fields?

Create and maintain unique fields against Sites and Assets.

Please make sure you have the relevant permissions to get started:

- Custom Field Manage

- Site Manage

- Asset Schema Manage

- Head to the Settings area and select Custom fields 

- From here, you will see 2 tabs for Sites and Assets

- Choose the tab for the entity you wish to create the Custom Field for 

- Select Add Custom Field 

- Complete the form with the relevant details, including any restrictions you wish to add for Site Type or Asset Type

- Once you have saved the form, you can continue to amend the detail should you need to while no entities are using the field

- For Sites, any Custom Fields will be shown within the Details tab under Other

- For Assets, any Custom Fields will show in a new card called Other 

- As soon as the field has been populated against an entity, the amendments you can make are restricted, and you will no longer be able to amend the Type of field

- You are able to bulk update these custom fields by heading to the relevant Site or Asset index, selecting the records you wish to amend these fields against, and hitting bulk update. Here, you will see any custom fields in the side pane that appears 
