Create templates for planned works and manage individual schedules.
Create a Planned Work Template
It's worth noting, users will need to have Planned Work Template manage permissions to create new templates
- To get started with managing your planned work, you first need to create a template with the relevant details of the work and which locations you'd like this template to apply to
- To do this, head to Settings and select Planned Work Templates
- From here, you will see a list of any existing templates, and the option to create a new template via the blue button in the top right
- To create a new template, you will need to complete the following sections:
- This section captures the details of the work that needs to be done, from whether it's compliance work, the description, any associated tasks, the service type and the type of work order that needs to be created from this template
If you do not see the relevant Work Order Request Type in the drop down within this section, please head to the Settings area and selected Service Types. From here, find the relevant service type, select the Work Order Request Type and make sure 'Usable for Planned Work?' is selected.
- This section allows you to associate an asset type to the template should you wish to include assets on the template
- Here, you can tailor whether you would like to create work orders for locations even when assets of the relevant type are not found, which allows for flexibility should your asset register not be up-to-date
- Should you wish to only create work orders when assets are found, you can tailor the template further by grouping the assets for the location on one work order, or you can choose to create a work order per asset found
- For this section, you can select the relevant locations where you want your template to create schedules for
- The filters on the left help to narrow down search results, and there is the option to select all results or clear your selection if you wish to start again
- Within this section, you can set how regularly you want your template to spawn work orders
- The View Period refers to the amount of days prior to a due date that the work order should be created
- The Action Period refers to the amount of days prior to the due date that a work order can be actioned
- For weekly schedules, you are able to select which days you would like work orders to spawn by toggling on the 'Due on Specific Days' field
If you do not toggle on 'Are these schedules active?', the template will not spawn work orders
- Once you have created your template, you will need to input the relevant missing fields highlighted in yellow, such as the service and the next scheduled date
Amend Individual Schedules
- Once a template has been created, it will create schedules for all the locations you have selected
- Schedules hold the more granular details of the work, such as the service details and costs
- Once you have selected a schedule, you will see a side pane appear with the following tabs: Service & Scheduling, Costs, Details, Tasks, Assets, Work Orders and Activity
- Make your way through each tab ensuring the details are correct and that you hit Save once you are happy with all the fields
Amend a Template
- Sometimes you may wish to amend a template, for example to add more locations or different tasks
- To do this, select the template from the index and select Edit Template in the top right of the template summary card
Planned Work Hierarchy