How do I onboard new contractors?

Invite contractors to the platform to start assigning work.

Contractor Settings


Please ensure you have the relevant Contractor Settings Manage permission to get started.

  • Accreditations & Certifications

- Within the Contractor Settings area, you will see a tab for Contractor Questions

- Here, you will see a pre-determined list of accreditations and certifications which you are able to toggle on and off depending on whether you require your contractors to have them or not

- For each item, you are able to customise the requirements, such as restricting them to only display for contractors in specific countries, as well as if you require a related document or expiry dates 

- Any fields that have been toggled on will then appear within the Contractor Profile for contractors to complete 


  • Contractor Services

- Here, you can tailor what Work Order Types, Service Priorities and Service Types will be available for your contractors to choose when they are setting up their services 

- You will see the option to manage each of the above on the right-hand side of the relevant section, which will take you through to the related screen in Settings

- If you would like to make a Work Order Type available here, ensure the below is selected:

- If you would like to make a Service Priority available here, ensure the below is selected:

- If you would like to make a Service Type available here, ensure the below is selected:

  • Contractor Onboarding

- In this section, you can customise the invitation that will be sent to contractors when you invite them on to the platform

- You can customise elements of the email they will be sent, such as the subject line, the body and the amount of days the link they will be sent to sign up will remain active 

- You can also tailor what role is assigned to the contractor once they have had their profile approved and are set up on the system 

  • User management 

- Once set up, the contractor will have the option to manage their own team, such as add and remove users

- Within this section, you can select the roles that will be available for the contractor to assign to their staff members 


How to Invite Contractors

Please ensure you have the relevant Contractor Invite permission set up under Roles to begin and also ensure you have completed all sections of the Contractor Settings. 


- Head to the Contractors area from the left-hand navigation 

- From here, you will see the option to Invite Contractors in the top right 

- You can enter individual emails, or alternatively, you can upload a CSV file (this cannot exceed 250 rows), ensuring if you choose the latter, that the file has a column for "name" and a column for "email"

- Once you have added the relevant Contractors and hit invite, a pop up message will appear to let you know the invitations were successfully sent 

- You can see a list of all invited contractors by navigating to the Invited tab under the Contractor Section 

- Within this tab, you can also resend the invitation should the link to log on have expired 


How to Review Contractor Applications

- Once a contractor has submitted their profile for review, it will appear under the Awaiting Approval tab within the Contractor's area 

- From here, you will see the details of any contractors who have submitted their profile within a table, and with the option to Review each row 

- Once you select Review, you will see the contractor's submitted application 

- If you are happy with the profile you can select the Approve button and the Contractor will become live on the system

- Alternatively, you can Request Further Information should you need to 

- Here, you will be required to leave a comment to the Contractor and the profile will remain in Draft, visible within the Draft tab within the Contractor's Area 


