How do I re-align a PPM and compliance schedule?

Amending following visits in-line with the most recent compliance check.

- Should you need to re-align your compliance schedule for any reason, you can do so by heading to the most recent work order for that particular compliance check

- Once the work order has been completed, you will have the option to select Pass Compliance from the action bar 

- A modal will then appear, asking you to fill in the compliant date

- Depending on the compliance date you have chosen, the date of the next scheduled visit may need to be changed based on the interval period you have in place. If this is the case, the modal will then ask if you would like to re-align your schedule to make sure the next visit date is scheduled after the relevant period of time 

- Hit this realign button should you wish to make changes, and you will see the date under the next planned visit change

- Should you wish to leave the date as is, simply hit save 
