How do I use and manage documents?

Creating different document types for entities and using them effectively.

- Maintainable entities can also have associated documents to help keep everything in one place and avoid any issues relating to compliance or certification 

- The documents associated with each entity are customisable, meaning you can create and choose which documents you would like to see where, such as for a contractor you may want to store their insurance certificate, but for a site you may want to store other documents, such as an asbestos survey 

- To create a document type, head to the Document Types tab under settings 

- From here, you'll have the option to add a new document type by selecting the blue button in the top right and filling in the form with the relevant details

- The form will ask what entities you would like associated with the document type, meaning your selection will determine where that document type can be uploaded 

- You can restrict who sees this document type against any entity by selecting the Restrict by Role by box and choosing what roles you would like the document to be accessible for 

- You can also choose whether you want to add a validity period to the form should the document need to be renewed 

- You can access a list of all the documents that have been uploaded under the Documents tab on the left-hand menu. You'll also be able to see the entities associated with the documents, alongside their validity dates

- You can find compliance-specific documents, under the compliance tab on the left-hand menu, alongside their approval status 
