The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the board of directors' commitment to information security and provide the over-arching policy statements that all subordinate policies and controls will adhere to
The board of directors and management of Expansive Solutions Ltd (located at 1st Floor, Cloister House, New Bailey Street, Manchester, M3 5FS) operates within the development and delivery of computer-aided facilities management software (CAFM).
We are committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all the physical information, electronic information and information-related assets in order to meet the purpose and goals of our organisation (as summarised in Section 4.1 “Understanding the organisation and its context” of our Information Security Management System) and to ensure all appropriate legal, regulatory and contractual compliance requirements are satisfied.
Information and information security requirements will continue to be aligned with the organisation’s business goals and will consider the internal and external issues affecting the organisation, as well as the requirements of interested parties.
Our ISMS objectives are outlined and measured in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.
The ISMS is intended as a mechanism for managing the information security related risks and improving the organisation to help deliver its overall purpose and goals.
The online platform environment including our approach to risk management provides the context for identifying, assessing, evaluating and controlling information-related risks through the establishment and maintenance of an ISMS.
The approach taken towards risk assessment and management, the statement of applicability and the wider requirements set out for meeting ISO 27001:2013 identify how information security and related risk are addressed.
The Management Review Board are responsible for the overall management and maintenance of the risk treatment plan with specific risk management activity tasked to the appropriate owner within the organisation. Additional risk assessments may, where necessary, be carried out to determine the appropriate controls for specific risks; for example, during special projects that are carried out within the context.
Control objectives for each of these areas are supported by specific documented policies and procedures in the online environment and they align with the controls listed in Annex A of the ISO 27001:2013 standard.
All employees and relevant interested parties associated to the ISMS have to comply with this policy. Appropriate training and materials to support it are available for those in scope of the ISMS and communications forums such as the ISMS communications group are available to show engagement on an ongoing basis.
The ISMS is subject to review and improvement by the Management Review Board, which is chaired by the CTO, and has ongoing senior representation from appropriate parts of the organisation.
Other executives/specialists needed to support the ISMS, and to periodically review the security policy and broader ISMS, are invited to the ISMS Board meetings and complete relevant work as required. This is documented in accordance with the ISO 27001:2013 standard.
We are committed to achieving and maintaining certification of the ISMS to ISO 27001:2013, along with other relevant accreditations against which our organisation has sought certification.
This policy will be reviewed regularly to respond to any changes in the business, its risk assessment or risk treatment plan, and at least annually.
In this policy and the related set of policies contained within the online environment that incorporates the ISMS, information security is defined as:
This means that all relevant interested parties have, and will be made aware of, their responsibilities that are defined in their job descriptions or contracts to act in accordance with the requirements of the ISMS. The consequences of not doing so are described in the Code of Conduct. All relevant interested parties will receive information security awareness training and more specialised resources will receive appropriately specialised information security training.
the availability
This means that information and associated assets should be accessible to authorised users when required, and thus must be physically secure. The environment must be resilient and the organisation must be able to detect and respond rapidly to incidents or events that threaten the continued availability of assets, systems and information.
, confidentiality
This involves ensuring that information is only accessible to those authorised to access it and preventing both deliberate and accidental unauthorised access to the organisation’s and relevant interested parties' information, proprietary knowledge, assets and other systems in scope.
and integrity
This involves safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods, and therefore requires preventing deliberate or accidental, partial or complete, destruction or unauthorised modification, of either physical assets or electronic data.
of information and other relevant assets
The information can include digital information, printed or written on paper, transmitted by any means, or spoken in conversation, as well as information stored electronically. Assets include all information-based processing devices owned by the organisation or those of relevant interested parties and BYOD in scope that are processing organisation related information.
of our organisation
The organisation and relevant interested parties that are within the scope of the ISMS have signed up to our security policy and accepted our ISMS.