What's new in Expansive this month?
This feature must be set up by an Expansive admin. Please get in touch if you want to have it enabled.
- Added a new feature to Settings, enabling a list of RAMS service types to be stored and managed by users who have the relevant permissions.
- Added a new feature that enables RAMS to be uploaded against recurring work order templates, should the work order request type require them. This means, that when work orders are spawned, the associated RAMS are included by default, unless the contractor changes, in which case the RAMS become disassociated.
- Added a new feature to the work order view screen that allows users with the relevant permissions to see the RAMS associated with the work order and upload them as needed.
- Added a new feature that enables contractors to upload RAMS to a work order, should the request type require them. The feature enables contractors to select from a list of previously uploaded RAMS or upload entirely new ones that can be generic or site specific.
Parts Ordering
- Improved the parts ordering page navigation by making all main categories visible for selection, and by removing the recent orders section to make the page less busy.
- Improved the parts order screen by adding the part number, so it’s easier to identify what has been ordered.
Budget & Finance Management
- Added a new feature where customers can choose and manage the budget type required instead of having to select from a pre-determined list.
- Resolved an issue where the finance summary area was displaying the incorrect values and correlating graphs.
- Improved the budget setup by adding the ability to set budgets by financial period, or financial year, as well as the ability for the budgets to be site-specific. Additionally, we have improved control of budget overspend by providing the option to hide a budget should it have been overspent, and the option to allow for overspend too.
- Added a new a feature that provides users with live budget updates while approving costs, meaning only the relevant budgets can be selected, helping to prevent overspend.
Engineer App.
- Improved the engineer app, so that users only have access to documents that are related to them.
External Posters
- Improved the QR code posters for external work orders and engineers so that they display the relevant company logo.
Asset Management
- Added a new feature as part of the Asset Management piece, that allows Facilities Managers to manage a list of their asset suppliers in the Settings area and associate the relevant assets to them.
- Added a new feature as part of the Asset Management piece, that allows Facilities Managers to manage a list of their asset manufacturers in the Settings area and associate the relevant assets to them.
- Added a new feature as part of the Asset Management piece, that allows users with the relevant permissions to manage a list of asset types they can associate to their asset register. Within each type is details of the asset lifecycle and the asset category.
- Added a new feature as part of the Asset Management piece, that allows users with the relevant permissions to manage a list of asset categories, within the settings area, to associate to their asset models.
- Fixed an issue where interacting with the task list on a work order caused the page to flicker and the SLA message to reload.
- Fixed an issue where contractors were unable to see the related work order via the link in the missed SLA email.