Product Release 3.30.0

What's new at Expansive this month.

Work Order Management

- Improved the work order index screen by adding the relevant clock icons to make it clear what work is overdue.

- Improved the process for changing the work order priority so that any changes are now reflected in the activity stream and a notification email is triggered regarding the updates. If set, the internal response time is now also recalculated inline with these changes. 

- Improved the filtering capabilities for work orders so that users can now filter work orders by those with a due date after today's date.  

- Improved the process of progressing a work order with an actionable date set in the future by flagging the date to users and providing those with the relevant permissions the option to change the date, should they wish to progress the work order before this time. 

- Improved the work order index screen by making the name of the engineer visible, should one be assigned. 

- Improved the recurring work order index view screen by adding the full path of the location to each schedule and added the ability to filter schedules by this location too.  

- Improved the process of editing tasks so that they are no longer editable after they have initially been completed to ensure legitimacy. 

- Added a new feature that allows users with the relevant permissions to view the PO number from within the work order view screen.

- Improved the work order notification process by changing the email address notifications are fired from, to ensure users know they can respond to each email to provide comments for the related work order.


Asset Management

- Added a new feature that allows users to manage a list of asset models with information on asset type, and manufacturer, as well as any associated asset images and files, to help keep asset register data consistent. 


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where users were shown a blank screen when moving from the 'Print & Codes' tab to another maintainable entity without this tab. Users are now directed to the 'Details' tab instead.

- Fixed an issue where comments associated with work order transitions were being prefixed with the word 'Message', which has now been removed. 

- Fixed an issue where SLAs were unable to be calculated on a work order when the related site had no access times assigned, meaning work orders were unable to be progressed. Sites without access times are now treated as open 24/7 for the benefit of SLA calculations only. 

- Fixed an issue where contractors were unable to see the related work order via the link in the missed SLA email. 

- Fixed an issue where the action buttons were misaligned under the billings tab on mobile.

- Fixed an issue where the site options weren’t loading on the work order creation form when there was a high volume of site users.

- Fixed an issue where the contractor SLA time logs were reverting to the latest check-in time instead of using the original start time when multiple engineer time records were added. 

- Fixed an issue where the location was displaying as undefined when a top-level site was selected while creating a new work order.