Product Release 3.34.0

What's new at Expansive this month?

Test (UAT) Release Date: 17/01/2024

Production Release Date: 23/01/2024


New Features 💡

- Added a new feature that gives Contractor users a place to manage their own profile. This will include various sections such as working hours, company details and services that contractors must complete, alongside a percentage display of how far along they are in completion.

- Added a new section to the new Contractor Profile feature that displays contractor details, such as name, contact details and address.

- Added a new section to the new Contractor Profile feature that displays contractor working hours, including dates to be excluded and out of hours.

- Added a new menu navigation item as part of the Contractor Onboarding feature, allowing users to easily navigate to the contractor profile section.

- Added a new feature that allows users with the relevant permissions to update asset characteristics in bulk.

To enable bulk editing for assets, users must have the following permissions: Bulk Manage & Asset Schema Manage 


Platform Improvements 🔧

- Improved the RAMS tab on the work order view screen by re-naming it to Health & Safety so it now includes all associated RAMS alongside any start work checks. 

- Improved the asset group section in Settings by re-naming it to Service Types for better clarity.

Please note, anywhere that previously mentioned Asset Group will now display Service Type.

- Improved the maintenance and clarity of asset data by merging the asset tag and asset label fields.

- Improved the RAMS tab on the work order view screen by re-naming it to Health & Safety so it now includes all associated RAMS alongside any future start work checks. 


Bugs 🐛

- Fixed an issue where users were unable to view word documents within the RAMS section.

- Fixed an issue where the text alignment was incorrect on the assign service modal.