Product Release 3.37.0

What's new at Expansive this month?

Test (UAT) Release Date: 14/05/2024

Production Release Date: 28/05/2024



Planned Work 📆

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece, where users with the relevant permissions can create and manage planned work templates in a dedicated Settings area.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to edit individual planned work schedule details.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to see an index view of all of their planned work templates in one place.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to bulk update selected planned work schedules at once.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to edit the details of an existing planned work template and subsequently update any existing associated schedules.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to track any changes to individual planned work schedules  templates via an activity log.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to bulk import planned work schedules onto the system using a CSV. This feature also enables users to import the same CSV template to update multiple schedule records at once.

- Improved the process of disabling a contractor on the system so that users are warned they will be removed from any associated planned work schedules.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to select the relevant locations they want planned work schedules to occur when creating a new planned work template.

- Added a new feature as part of our Planned Work piece that enables users to select the relevant schedule for when they want planned work schedules to occur when creating a new planned work template.

- Improved the process of task management against planned work templates by allowing users to reorder tasks should they need to.


Contractor Onboarding 👷

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to manage the details of the invitation sent to contractors for their onboarding, including email content and expiry period

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that enables users with the relevant permissions to invite new contractors on to the site, either using a CSV bulk upload or by adding the details of each individual.

- Added a new feature to the Contractor Profile that allows contractor users to manage their emergency work order details.

- Improved the process of disabling a contractor on the system so that users are warned they will be removed from any associated recurring work orders.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to determine which service types are available for selection by contractors while they are setting up their services.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to determine which SLAs are available for selection by contractors while they are setting up their services.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to determine which work order types are available for selection by contractors while they are setting up their services.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows contractors to set up their own services while onboarding.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to view the status of their invited contractors via a dedicated onboarding page.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows contractor users to create an account on the platform via a link sent via email.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users with the relevant permissions to view and approve submitted contractor profiles to determine whether they can go live on the site.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to set what role a contractor will acquire within the contractor settings area once a contractor has had their profile approved.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows contractor users with the relevant permissions to add new users to their team and manage these users on the system.

- Added a new feature as part of our Contractor Onboarding piece that allows users to select what roles are available for contractors to assign to their team members within the Contractor Settings area.

- Improved the Contractor Onboarding process by creating a default contractor onboarding role for contractors going through the process to ensure they have the relevant restricted permissions.


Remedial Actions

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece to better display remedial actions on the system. Users can now view all remedial actions and their details in an index view via a new navigation item. They can also view the remedial actions associated with a specific piece of work by heading to the work order view screen and selecting the new Remedial Actions tab.

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece where users can easily create a linked work order from a remedial action as well as view any previously created linked work orders within a new side panel view.

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece that allows users to store files against individual remedial actions to help give better context.

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece that allows users to set up their workflow so that contractors are prompted to add remedial actions to a work order where necessary.

- Added a new feature as part of our remedial actions piece that enables users to comment and respond on an individual remedial action.

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece that enables users to view a log of all of the activity and history associated with a particular remedial.

- Added a new feature as part of our Remedial Actions piece that enables users to link assets to individual remedial actions.

- Improved the process of assigning users to a remedial action by making the user list searchable.


Platform Improvements 🔧

- Improved the site selection area on contractor services, so users can now filter and find sites more easily by Country, Region and Postcode.

- Improved the process of updating work orders by introducing the ability for users to bulk update multiple properties at once.

- Improved the process of updating Site characteristics by introducing the ability for users to bulk update multiple properties at once.