What's new at Expansive this month?
Test (UAT) Release Date: 26/06/2024
Production Release Date: 09/07/2024
New Features 💡
- Added a new feature that allows users to bulk import their assets to the platform, which can create new assets as well as update any existing ones.
Please get in touch with support should you need support using the Asset Import function.
- Added a new feature that allows users to bulk export a list of their assets and the related details.
- Added a new feature where users can create and manage custom fields for their Sites and their Assets in a dedicated space within the Settings area.
- Added a new feature as part of the Custom Fields project that allows users to update any custom fields that have been created against a site.
- Added a new feature that allows users to see the lifecycle of their assets via a new tab on the asset view screen; displaying purchase cost, depreciation to date, net book value and the residual value.
- Added a new feature that allows users to export a list of their Sites and their related characteristics.
Platform Improvements 🔧
- Improved the creation of asset types by adding a new Residual Value field, so users can capture the value of an asset once it has fully depreciated.
- Improved the budget assignment and cost approval process by putting restrictions in place for what budgets show for selection depending on the cost code selected, as well as which users can assign spend to certain cost codes.
- Improved the Site Index as part of the Custom Fields project by adding a filter for custom fields and their value.
- Improved the Work Order Index by enabling users to filter for whether the work order has a linked quote request.
Bugs 🐛
- Fixed an issue where the sort order function was not working on columns on the bulk cost approval screen.
- Fixed an issue where users were seeing a constant loading screen if they entered the same start an end time when entering an engineer time log.