Product Release 3.33.0

What's new at Expansive this month?

Test (UAT) Release Date: 07/12/2023

Production Release Date: 12/12/2023


New Features 💡

- Added a new feature as part of our Start Work Checks project, that allows users to create and store hazard task lists in a dedicated area within their Settings.

- Added a new feature that allows users with the relevant permissions to move approved invoices back to draft to amend costs if necessary.

- Added a new feature that allows users with the relevant permissions to replace invoice attachments.

- Added a new feature that gives users the option to enhance the tone of their comments. This allows users to choose from a list of various tones, such as friendly or professional, and once selected, their comment will be re-written in the relevant tone. *

* Please get in touch with support if you would like to have this comment feature enabled.


Platform Improvements 🔧

- Improved the work order screen by removing the spend limit visibility for users without the relevant permissions.

- Improved index screens by allowing individual records to be opened in a new tab.

- Improved the work order, service request and quotes index pages by making them filterable by site tags, site country, site organisation and site type.


Bugs 🐛

- Fixed an issue on the recurring work order index, where records were not displaying when users interacted with the pagination.

- Fixed an issue where external work order forms were able to be saved without having populated the location field.

- Fixed an issue where assets associated with a service request were not displaying on the service request email.

- Fixed an issue where the Expansive logo wasn’t displaying when adding mobile shortcuts.

- Fixed an issue where there were no options showing within the Site filter drop down on the recurring work order index screen.

- Fixed an issue where files within the Files tab of a work order view screen were unable to viewed.

- Fixed an issue where the values were missing from the Time Rounding section within the contractor Rates tab.

- Fixed an issue where the quote accepted notification emails were sending twice.

- Fixed an issue where invoices were not fitting to the page when printing.

- Fixed an issue where contractor users were shown the option to create invoices when they didn’t need the option.

- Fixed an issue where services were unable to be assigned until a budget was selected.