Product Release 3.32.0

What's new at Expansive this month?


Test (UAT) Release Date: 21/11/2023

Production Release Date: 28/11/2023



New Features 💡

- Added a new feature to the asset management process that enables users to launch a camera within the application and scan asset barcodes, or QR codes, to easily find assets within the system, or create them if they don’t yet exist.

- Added a new feature to the asset management process which enables users to launch a camera when editing the barcode field against an asset, that can scan a barcode or QR code which in turn autopopulates the field.

- Added a new feature that clearly flags when users are visiting their test site instead of their live site.


Platform Improvements 🔧

- Improved the parts area in Settings by making it filterable by category.

- Improved the work order index screen by making it filterable by asset groups as well as their child categories.

- Improved the Recurring Work Order Index by allowing users to search and filter the page using words from the summary.

- Improved the site index page by making commonly used filters more easily accessible.

- Improved the RAMS process by adding a dedicated RAMS section to the contractor view screen, so users can view and upload RAMS for a specific contractor.

- Improved translation across the site by disabling it for elements such as names, currency codes and industry abbreviations.

- Improved budget and cost control by displaying the budget alert table at the point of authorising or approving a quote and assigning or requesting a service against a work order.

- Improved the compliance process by adding the ability for users with the relevant permission to replace compliance files if they are yet to be approved.

- Improved budgeting and costs by enabling users to add a 13th financial period instead of being restricted to 12.

- Improved the functionality and display of tree components within the system by creating our own component with greater flexibility.

- Improved the Time tab on the work order view screen by adding a row to show Internal Response time targets and results.

- Improved the quote cancellation process by adding a new notification scheme, allowing emails to be sent to contractors notifying them when a quote is cancelled.


Bugs 🐛

- Fixed an issue where users, such as contractors, were unable to mark comments as read unless they had the relevant permissions to create a work order.

- Fixed an issue where cost lines were not being generated when engineers without rate cards checked into a work order by using the service rate card instead.

- Fixed an issue where users were unable to add assets within the site tree on the Site view page.

- Fixed an issue where the recurring work order calendar was throwing an error if budgets belonging to past financial periods were assigned to recurring work order schedules.

- Fixed an issue where navigating to an asset from the asset index would not scroll you to the top of the page.

- Fixed an issue where users were unable to create a work order for a site if the site didn’t have any associated locations.