Add various hazards across entities in the system and apply them to work orders.
Various hazards can arise when carrying our work and visiting different locations. In order to keep people safe, it's important to flag these hazards and notify the relevant people of them.
The below steps help to do this:
Setting up Hazards within the system
Please ensure you are set up with the Hazard Manage permission before getting started.
- Head to the Hazards area within Settings
- From here, you will see a list of pre-populated, standard hazards
- You can edit these hazards by selecting the relevant row and amending the modal to change either the name, or selectable status
- To add a new hazard, select Add Hazard in the top right, fill in the form and select Save
Hazard Display Page
To view more granular details of a particular hazard, users can head to the dedicated hazard view screen by following the steps below:
- Head to the Settings area and select Hazards
- From here, find the relevant hazard and click the row
- You will be taken to a new page with hazard details such as name and selectable status on the left-hand side
- The page will also show the following tabs:
Activity: Shows activity against the hazard
Location: Shows the locations which have the hazard added against them
Work Orders: Shows the work orders where the hazard is present
Adding hazards to Sites and Locations
- If there are specific locations with related hazards, you are able to add the hazards directly to the location to ensure every work order created at the location is flagged with these hazards
- To add these, head to the relevant site view page and select the relevant location
- From here, find the Hazards tab
- To add a hazard, select Add Hazard in the top right and select a hazard from the list
- Upload any supporting documents, such as asbestos registers, and hit Save
- Should you not find the relevant hazard in the list, you can create a new hazard by selecting the Create Hazard button that displays at the end of the list
- From here, you can populate the form with the hazard name and hit Save
Adding hazards to a work order
There are multiple ways hazards can become associated with a work order - these are detailed below:
- When RAMS are uploaded to a work order, any corresponding hazards will automatically become associated
Location-Based Hazards
- When a work order is created, should the location of the work order have a hazard attached, this will automatically be added to the work order
Manually Added
- Users can manually add hazard to a work order by heading to the health and safety tab and selecting Add Hazard within the hazards section of the tab
Removing hazards on a work order & Adding Files
- You can update a hazard on a work order by selecting the hazard, which will open up a side pane
- From here you can delete the hazard, or add any relevant files within the upload area
- Hazards added via RAMS can only be deleted if the associated RAMS are removed prior
It's worth noting, engineers can identify more hazards on a work order as part of their start work checks. These hazards will only be saved within the relevant start work check, and not written directly onto the work order within the Hazards section of the Health and Safety tab. See this article for more details on these checks.
Hazard Visibility
To ensure users have good visibility of hazards on a work order, they are flagged in multiple places for both internal users and contractors alike:
Service Request and Work Order screens
- Here, any identified hazards will appear as badges under the work order number
Health & Safety tab on a work order
- Within the Health & Safety tab there is a hazards section where users can manage hazards
Work order emails to contractors
To help ensure contractors have visibility of hazards associated with the work their carrying out, both before they accept the job and when they are assigned, we have added hazard warnings to each of the following emails:
- Request for Service
- Work Order Service Assigned
- Engineer Assigned
Any updates to hazards will also trigger an email to the contractor alerting them of changes.