What's new at Expansive this month?
Test (UAT) Release Date: 26/07/2024
Production Release Date: 13/08/2024
New Features 💡
- Added a new feature that allows users to upload files to request types, so that when a work order is created from this request type, the file is automatically attached.
- Added a new feature that allows users to bulk import their sites and their related details.
Please get in touch with support should you need support using the Site Import function.
Platform Improvements 🔧
- Improved the User Display area in Settings by adding two new fields: Last Seen and Last Logged in.
- Improved the bulk update feature by adding the ability to bulk update custom fields.
- Improved the process of setting a password across various screens by improving the feedback if the password entered isn’t suitable.
- Improved the Site Export functionality by adding custom fields to the export.
- Improved the Settings area by adding a new area for Site Types, so users can manage these on their own.
- Improved the Settings area by adding a new area for Cost Types, so users can manage these on their own.
- Improved the Settings area by adding a new area for Building Types, so users can manage these on their own.
- Improved the process of internally engineers submitting costs, by guarding against cost submission that exceeds the work order spend limit.
- Improved the process of internal engineers submitting expenses by excluding the VAT from these submissions.
- Improved the display of the expenses tab so it’s easier to navigate and inline with the rest of the system.
Bugs 🐛
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to assign internal engineers to planned work templates.
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to bulk update Site Tags, unless a Site already had tags associated.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong documents were showing within the Contractor Document section.
- Fixed an issue where disabled services were displaying for selection when assigning or requesting a service.
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to assign a service unless they had service manage permissions.
- Fixed an issue where the location trees were unable to load if they were too large within the planned work templates area.
- Fixed an issue where interacting with checkboxes within the form when adding an engineer time log meant the text displayed twice.
- A reminder to check out the latest partner list anytime here